We don't know why there is a hiatus just when the season is gaining momentum, but this two-week break has been built into the schedule and we are certain that the show will return with a very strong second half. Please stay tuned to BPR because we will continue to post news items, links, polls and interviews. We will also continue our very popular "Ask the Fashion Professor" feature during the break.
There is plenty of news about Project Runway Canada. Hasn't it been great? What has made it great? The challenges? The designers? Iman? I can't quite explain it, but there is something really special about the show. I loved the finale.

A story about Evan Biddell ran here in Saskatoon, where it is -12 degrees celsius today.
The title of this press release is "Addicted to Biddell."
Here are a couple of questions with the finalists.
The Winnepeg Sun has a nice interview with Biddell.
More Biddell here. Sorry if I am repeating these!
Meanwhile, here in the USA:
De Novo has an interview with Steve Rosengard.
Catch up with midseasonreplacements and the "Shoulderpads of Doom."
The Fug Girls seem to be suggesting that the shoulderpad challenge could have been addressed like this!