Ask The Fashion Professor

Dear Professor,

I am a male, I am 6'7" and over 300 lbs. (I think.) I have a hard time finding clothes that fit me (for cheap at least.) Would it be cheaper to just make the clothes myself? I have no clothes making experience (my mom does). If it were to be cheaper, any tips to give me on making menswear?

Trevor in Springfield, Illinois

Dear Trevor,

Big Guy!

A few possibilities here - if your Mom has the skills - have her do some things for you - however it can be very time consuming - if she has the time - great - but you probably won't be saving money considering labor.

Another possibility - hit the Big and Tall shops - the quality and style is usually good - rich, stylish basketball players have to shop somewhere! You say you're on a budget so hit them when they're having their sales. Get the basics.

For more interesting things hit eBay - larger sizes always go cheap - stores and labels make but rarely sell big guy clothes - they end up on eBay - jackets, coats, shoes - be clever about your search - lots of interesting stuff out there for you.

Good Luck,


Have a question for the professor? Write to Ask The Fashion Professor. Thanks Anthony!