From The Mailbox

Visit Pretty on the Outside for more of these great sketches of the Season Four designers!

Attention Detroit: Amanda Fields will be in the "GM Style" show tonight! We can all watch it here. Just click on the link and scroll down to "Cars and Stars" and then open up the "Go Now" window. Have fun, Amanda!

Is Jeffrey Sebelia also at the car show? has a great new interview with Jack Mackenroth.

SFGate reports on native son, Chris March.

Our friends at Buddy TV have posted an interview with Kevin Christiana.

Rami Kashou has designed the waitress uniforms for a restaurant in Los Angeles. Thanks Cecelia.

More about Chris March here.

Meanwhile, Jezebel noticed that Victorya's winning prom dress looks like Mychael Knight's design, featured on "My Super Sweet Sixteen." I watched that episode. Anyone remember what Mychael charged for the dress? It was a LOT! Team BPR does not in any way mean to imply that anything was "copied." This happens a lot. It's just fun to compare.