We are still not done sharing our story from the Project Runway finale! After the show, we were excited to attend an after-brunch party hosted by Bravo. It was like a giant reunion, with designers from all four seasons in attendance.
The brunch was a chance to get up close and personal with the designers and celebrities. We have some great candid photos from this event including shots of Raymundo Baltazar, Bradley Baumkirchner (in a teddy bear sweater!), Malan Breton, Kevin Christiana, Chloe Dao, Marla Duran, Katy Gerdes, Kayne Gillaspie, Kara Janx, Elisa Jimenez, Alison Kelly, Mychael Knight, Simone LeBlanc, Dale Levitski, Jack Mackenroth, Jay McCarroll, Gail Simmons, Nick Verreos, Daniel Vosovic and Carmen Webber. Whew!
Click here for the whole story.