My email has officially been bombarded with letters concerning one thing and that is; skirts. Questions like “are they coming back?” or “what length is good?” etc. etc. ETC. (notice the capital letters) have been rather notoriously popular in my inbox and all I can say to you all is “Don’t you worry”. Yes if you are a skirts person as opposed to a pants and shorts, there is hope. Shorts do not seem to be making as big as impression as they did last summer and thus we fall to victims of the mini skirt however we aren’t talking tacky denim straight skirts, as I am thinking along the lines of floaty (yes, more floaty) textured ruffles, pleats, irregular hemlines and really structured layering. It is quite pretty actually. Vintage, artsy and futuristically shiny fabrics look fabulous. However, it does all come down to it being a mini skirt so rather short in that sense, but no micro minis as this isn’t the 90’s (thank goodness). If you feel uncomfortable wearing a small skirt, I would always try a layered white skirt for that added length and very romantic appeal which is just lovely and extremely fresh. Now with that all said; I really need a tan.