What time is it?

I am not really a watches person. I mean, really. It is hard enough for me to walk around for an entire day wearing a $200 bangle without losing it and to me, I have always thought watches to be more of a nuisance than an actual helpful timepiece. Marc Jacobs have some really incredibly pop plastic watches and jewellery timepieces which are actually quite cute. Sure, it does not really define classic or timeless(I mean a fruit necklace which is actually a dangling watch!) but these are more spur of the moment impulse buys which are actually really affordable (net-a-porter has a few one sale at the moment!), not that I am promoting impulse buying. Well, I suppose it is something extra to add to any collection of impulse purchases... at least these ones tell the time which is quite impressive in contrast to all the other crap I have in my Impulse buy collection. Trust me, you don't want to know.