Whopper Of The Week?

This week's whopper gets a question mark because, well - might it actually be true?

At the designer showacse event, Ivy Higa approached Valerie Mayen after realizing that her button bowl wasn't getting much action and said: "Michael C. has been telling the guests that I'm the bitch of the show."

Now we were not shown any evidence that Michael said anything like this at all and it doesn't really make sense for Bunim-Murray to edit this kind of drama out. But is it possible he actually said it? Or did Ivy make it up?

When questioned about it by Andy the next morning, Michael C. flatly denied the accusation and we tend to believe him. If he really did say it then it would have been caught on camera and he would have been easily exposed. And we haven't seen anyone in attendance at the event claim they heard it either. We think there may be a better explanantion for this one.

Note Valerie's response to Ivy's comment: "I know, that's what people told me." People? What people? Later in the confessional, Ivy says: "The rumor is that Michael C. is trying to sabotage me."

Ah, so it's a rumor, not something that she actually heard him say herself. To whose adavantage would planting a rumor like this in Ivy's ear benefit the most?

This smells like producer influence to us. Knowing they had dramatic gold in this storyline, we suspect a production assistant may have whispered this to Ivy or another designer just to throw a little fuel on the fire. And it worked.

We'll find out the truth eventually and this story arc may completely flip itself before all is said and done but for now Michael C. is looking like the good guy in all of this.